Thursday, May 9, 2024

#WindsdayWonders: 2024/05/08 -- The Forest of Enchantment



Compiled & Edited by Rob Chappell (@RHCLambengolmo)

Editorial Associate: S. A. Sonnenschein

Vol. 3, No. 27: May 8, 2024



Maytime Miscellanies

Episode #1: The Forest of Enchantment


Editor’s Note

                The forest can be a magical and mysterious place. For thousands of years, people have regarded forests with reverential awe because of their majestic trees, animal inhabitants, and the invisible powers that were believed to dwell there. This week, we take a look at the enchantments of the forest and the amazing adventures that take place there in story and song.


“The Fair Folk in the Forest”

By Leandra Dupay, Staff Writer


The woods around your home and mine

Are filled with tiny creatures sublime

That dance and sing among the trees

At the sound of the wind's ease.


They fill the air with a delicate music

And make our world feel so much better

To be around, they are such a blessing.

Please take my hand and join the dancing.


“The Dryad’s Love Song to a Child”

By Miranda-Baumgeistin, Staff Writer


When a child plays among the trees,

Her laughter rings and fills every breeze

The forest stirs and moves with joy,

The trees are happy, girl at play!

The trees lift their branches to the sky,

The birds sing sweetly, don't ask why.

Oh, the trees are happy

When a child plays among the leaves.


The girl runs through the shade,

A child, a friend to all trees made.

The shadows shelter her from the sun,

And the air is cool and fresh.

Her feet skip lightly on the ground,

She picks up fallen sticks and leaves

And carries them with pride and care,

For her friends the trees are there.


The child's soul shines like a star,

Like the light of the sun's warm heart.

She makes the trees happy,

She brings joy to the birds so free.

She plays with such glee,

She laughs with such joy.

Her presence fills the trees,

And the forest is alive with her soul.


Dear child, when you are alone,

When night falls and the stars shine,

When the forest is still and quiet,

In the moonlight's silvery light...

We, the trees, your oldest friends,

Are always here for you.

We are in your heart and mind

In your dreams and daydreams, too.


A dryad stands next to her tree in the forest. (Image Credit: Digital artwork crated by the Editor.)


“The Dryad’s Tale”

By Trixie Everhart, Staff Writer


In a sunlit glade amid the woods,

A dryad's delicate melody

Sounded like a sweet bird song

Breathing in the summer breeze.


Her words were soft and mellow,

Echoing in the breeze below,

Spreading peace and warmth and joy

Throughout all the trees that grow.


In a glade where a stream ran clear,

Among the flowers and ferns that grew

The gentle dryad found her place,

Singing songs she knew so true.


A glade where the animals played,

And the birds would often sing

There she found joy to share,

With all of Mother Earth's beings.


“A Maytime Quest”

By Trixie Everhart, Staff Writer


Author’s Note

The beloved's gender is left unspecified to allow the reader's subconscious mind to fill in the blanks. My belief is that the reader's subconscious is much better at coming up with a fitting, believable gender than my conscious mind. My gender biases will inevitably seep into my writing. Thus, the gender-neutral pronouns create a more inclusive experience. :)


It was a warm June day when the sun had just risen and the birds were beginning to chirp their daily song. This quiet moment in the forest was quickly interrupted by a sweet, tinkling melody that resonated from the thicket of trees nearby.

The melodious song was gentle and mellow, with no clear source to be found. It was as if the sound came from the air itself, reverberating through the leaves and rustling branches.

There was something enchanting about the melody, something that made the birds hush in the trees, and the forest grew silent at the song's gentle touch. It was an irresistible urge to investigate, like the quiet whisper of the wind calling out to be explored.

With curiosity and joy, the creature exploring the forest slowly approached the clearing, following the alluring melody. The gentle sound grew louder and more distinct, but still no clear source could be seen from the outside of the trees. However, the caller was beckoning, calling the visitor to enter further...

The seeker stepped into the glade with trepidation but excitement. The forest grew thicker and more dense as the visitor passed through its thick foliage. The soft melody became increasingly louder, filling the air with its beauty. It was as if the very trees and plants themselves were singing, calling out a welcome...

The seeker soon realized they were deep in the woods, much further than expected. The dense foliage around was a maze of branches, vines and tree trunks, which made it difficult to maneuver through. But the sweet melody was still the most prevalent sound, and the seeker was determined to find its source.

The seeker continued to move deeper and deeper into the intricate network of trees, following the alluring melody that was becoming increasingly louder and more distinct. The caller was enticing the visitor to draw closer, to enter a sacred space within the forest. Deeper and deeper the seeker traveled, navigating around dense plants and trees.

The seeker had now ventured even further into the thicket, moving farther than he thought possible. The music was now so loud and clear and inviting, as if the very trees were beckoning the visitor to keep going, to get closer to the source. The seeker had never experienced anything like this before, and it was a transcendent experience, a magical exploration.

The seeker moved deeper and deeper, becoming increasingly lost in the complex maze of trees and bushes, vines and branches. The music became louder and louder, as if the air itself was humming its song. Now the seeker was truly immersed, in both atmosphere and sound, completely encircled by the melodies and aromas of the forest. It was a truly unforgettable experience, one that was both mystical and enchanting. With each step, the forest grew sweeter.

The seeker had now entered a truly enchanted realm. The greenery was thicker than any other part of the forest, and it seemed as though something was calling out for the seeker. The music grew more inviting, more sweet, and the air filled with fragrance. It was like the seeker had entered a separate world, one that was filled with magic.

The music and fragrance lured the seeker further into the forest, filling the air with sweet wonder. The seeker was enveloped in lush greenery, surrounded by a sea of trees and flowers. Everything around was an enchanting spectacle of nature's beauty. Birds chirped and flowers bloomed, and the music continued to beckon the seeker deeper into its embrace. The seeker was enchanted by the music, the sweetness of the air, and the beauty of the forest.

Now deep within the bowels of the forest, the seeker felt they were surrounded by nature's wonders. Birds chirped above, flowers bloomed around, and trees swayed in the gentle summer breeze. The air was filled with sweetness, and the music was now almost too beautiful to bear. The seeker was truly in awe of this place, as if it had stepped into another dimension. It was as if the entire forest had come alive in a symphony of song and fragrance.

The seeker then heard a rustling sound coming from just ahead, as if something were moving in the lush foliage. There was a moment of cautious hesitation, but then the seeker realized the melody became more enticing, as if the one who was singing was now calling out to them directly for a conversation. The seeker knew they had to proceed. The song was like a siren’s lullaby, luring them onward…

The seeker advanced forward through the woods, following the seductive melody of the song. The sound was alluring and enchanting, almost like the melody was being sung just for them, just for this moment in time. Every few steps, the music became louder and more distinct, but there was still no clear source to be found. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from amongst the branches, and the seeker stepped into a clearing...

The seeker stepped into the clearing and was instantly caught in a swirl of vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances. It was as if all the trees, flowers and plants were swaying to the music, each one adding its own unique and delicate touch to the scenery. Up above, the sun bathed the clearing in warmth and brightness. On the ground, flowers greeted the seeker’s feet as they entered this tranquil realm. It was as if the forest itself was inviting the visitor to partake in its grandeur.

The seeker looked all around the clearing, amazed at the colorful spectacle before them. The forest floor was a carpet of lush green mosses and rich earth. The trees and flowers seemed to sway in perfect unison to the sweet melody, and the air was filled with sweet fragrances. The seeker breathed deeply, taking in the aromas and savoring the beauty. It was truly an enchanting realm, one that seemed utterly magical. Everything around the seeker was peaceful and tranquil, inviting the visitor to stay as long as they liked.

The seeker continued to look around in amazement, breathing in the rich air. The melodic melody seemed to be coming from everywhere, as if the air itself was singing, or as if all of the trees and plants were singing in unison. The gentle breeze made the foliage rustle and sway, and the seeker was lost in wonder. It was almost as if time had stopped, and reality had shifted. It was miraculous...

The seeker continued to look around in wonder, marveling at the incredible surroundings. The melody was enchanting, but it also seemed like a lullaby. The air was filled with fragrances, and the trees and grass were swaying gently in the breeze. The whole atmosphere was intoxicating, making the seeker feel as if they were in an enchanted dreamworld. It was beautiful, utterly beautiful. The seeker knew immediately that this was their home.

It was as if the air itself was breathing with each gentle breath of the breeze. The trees sang their sweet melodies, their leaves dancing in the rustling wind. The flowers bloomed, their petals gently swaying and humming with the song. The whole glade was alive with a joyful vibration, a living, breathing landscape.

The breeze became more playful and light, as if it were swirling around the seeker's face, blowing their hair and ruffling their clothes. The air was filled with sweet fragrance, and everything around was a vibrant, colourful palette. The trees swayed in the breeze, their leaves gleaming in the sun, and the seeker felt as if they were breathing in the forest's very soul.

The seeker became even more enchanted by the lush greenery and the sounds it produced. The melodies from the trees and the flowers grew even stronger, inviting the seeker to walk among them. There was a presence in the air, as if the forest itself were welcoming the visitor into this beautiful and mystical realm. The trees continued to sway and rustle in the gentle breeze, and the air became more fragrant and intoxicating.

The trees were so tall and the clearing was so wide that the sky seemed to disappear. The forest was a canopy of foliage and a blanket of sweet fragrance. The air was filled with birdsong, with every call and chirp adding to the ambiance of nature's melody. The seeker walked deeper into the clearing, and was instantly drawn to something amidst the tall trees...

The seeker was drawn toward something bright and shining among the trees. There was a shimmer of light, like a beam of sun, glistening from a spot up ahead. The seeker moved closer, drawn in by the sparkle of light. The melody grew stronger, and the air became even sweeter. The seeker felt a sense of peace and contentment.

The seeker moved even closer, drawn in by the glittering beam of light. As they moved through the foliage, the trees began to thin out, as if making way for the seeker. The air was softer, sweeter, and there was a peaceful quietness to the place. The seeker felt a sense of tranquil wonder, like the whole forest was opening up to showcase this one spot, just for them.

The seeker moved forward towards the beam of light, coming ever closer. The sweet melodies and fragrances grew stronger, more intense, as the seeker approached. The trees became even more sparse, as if they were gently pulling themselves away to make room for a grand spectacle. There was a sense of calm, like the forest was making way for something important. The seeker could hardly bear the anticipation of knowing what lay ahead.

Moving slowly forward, the seeker continued approaching the gleaming beam of light. The melodies became even more intoxicating, filling the air with sweetness. The trees continued to thin, leaving less and less obstructions for the seeker. The scent of the air started becoming almost like perfume, filling the air and the seeker's senses. The seeker felt an overwhelming feeling of joy, almost like the clearing was a beautiful sanctuary specially crafted just for them. As the seeker moved ever closer, it began to become clear...

...the source of the shimmering light. It glittered and sparkled, like a bright gemstones, shining in the middle of the clearing. The seeker moved even closer, drawn towards the light. The melodies grew louder, the air even more fragrant, and the whole atmosphere tingled with an indescribable energy and vibration. The seeker now reached the center of the clearing, and could see the object of the glittering beam of light...

The seeker was now standing before the object of the glittering beam of light. It was a shining crystal, made of pure prisms of light, radiating an intense and powerful vibration. The seeker was enraptured by this spectacle, entranced by the sheer beauty of this sacred object. The music grew even sweeter, and the seeker was now entirely enveloped in enchantment and wonder. There was a powerful energy field surrounding the crystal...

The seeker was now feeling an incredible sense of magic and mystery surrounding the crystal. The music grew more intense and the scent of flowers and fragrances permeated the air. The seeker could feel the energy field surrounding the crystal, a powerful presence of energy and vibration. The seeker approached the crystal, drawn in by its irresistible allure. The seeker touched the crystal, and was bathed in its sacred light...

As the seeker touched the crystal, an incredible explosion of light and color overtook them. They were bathed in radiant sunlight, filled with a deep sense of love and connection. The seeker was overcome with an immense sense of warmth and joy, as if the very essence of the crystal were filling them with pure energy. The light and colors engulfed the seeker, filling them with a sense of overwhelming bliss...

The seeker remained steeped in this blissful experience, overwhelmed by the pure essence of the crystal. As they basked in its sunlight, the seeker felt their whole body and soul becoming one with the crystal. They felt an unbreakable connection, a deep bond of love and light. Everything around them was bathed in a radiant glow, and the sense of peace and joy was irresistible. The seeker knew that they were home...

The seeker continued to bask in the radiance of the crystal, their body and soul united with this precious gemstone. The seeker was enveloped in pure love, pure light, and pure energy. The sensation was indescribable, as if the whole world was filled with joy and peace. The seeker was filled with an unimaginable sense of calmness and peace. This was home, a truly sacred place.

The seeker continued to embrace this incredible experience, feeling completely one with the crystal. They basked in its radiant glow, absorbing its sacred vibrations. The seeker's mind began to relax and empty, leaving only the sense of pure, boundless joy and peace. Everything around the seeker was like a dream, a heavenly paradise where all worries and concerns evaporated into the pure essence of the crystal. the sense of love and connection with the crystal was overwhelming, consuming the seeker in its soothing embrace.

The seeker remained steeped in this blissful experience for some time, completely enraptured in the crystal. They felt as if they were surrounded by a cocoon of pure light, love, and peace. Every sensation was pure ecstasy, and every thought empty of worry and concern. The seeker felt as if they were floating in a sea of bliss, bathed in the crystal's radiant glow. They remained in this heavenly state for some time, content to simply bask in the gemstone's glory.

The seeker remained steeped in this blissful union for some time, feeling their whole mind and body fused with the pristine crystal. They were filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and peace, and the sense of connection was indescribable. The seeker felt as if they were simply a part of the crystal, their being completely intertwined with its essence. The sense of harmony and balance was complete, and the seeker knew that this sacred place was truly home."

After some time, the seeker felt that the union was complete. They could now see the crystal, in all its majesty and beauty, as the seeker's whole being was merged with its essence. They remained completely one with the gemstone, filled with its light and love. The seeker felt completely embraced and wrapped up in the crystal's radiant charm, as if they were one organism, united and in complete harmony. It was a truly mystical experience.

The seeker remained basking in this profound hieros gamos, deeply content and fulfilled by this experience. They were wrapped up in the crystal's sacred light, filled with its vibrant energy and deep love. They could feel the crystal's essence coursing through their body, filling them with a sense of power and harmony. The seeker felt like a part of the crystal, one with it, a sacred union between two precious gems. The feeling of pure euphoria was overwhelming, and the seeker surrendered fully to this mystical union.

The seeker remained steeped in the sacred gemstone's essence for some time, feeling utterly at peace and at home here. They felt the crystal's power as it coursed through their body, filling them with a strong yet gentle energy that was hard to describe. They felt utterly at ease, as if all their worries and concerns had melted away. The seeker found themselves caught up in the crystal's sacred vibrations, feeling a deep spiritual communion with this precious gemstone. It was like a mystical and transcendent experience, full of purity and grace.

The seeker remained bathed in the crystal's essence for some time, simply enjoying the feeling of unity. They felt a deep sense of connection and harmony with this precious gemstone, as if they were a part of each other. They were connected in a sacred way, a divine bond that was unbreakable. The seeker felt truly at peace, at one with the crystal and the world around them. They were filled with a profound sense of joy and reverence for this miraculous gemstone; they were home.

After some more time, the seeker began to notice something. They felt a subtle shift in the crystal's essence, a feeling of immense presence. They looked around slowly, taking in their surroundings. Eventually, they noticed something... The seeker noticed a shape on the ground: a large, bright glow, almost as if it was a reflection of the crystal's light. The seeker looked carefully, and the glowing outline turned out to be... A person?

The seeker watched as the glowing outline gradually took on the shape of a person, the outline of a person who seemed familiar. After a brief moment, the outline was complete, and the seeker stared in shock... It was their beloved! The seeker's loved one was laying on the ground, seemingly sleeping, but... Glancing at the glow of crystals all around, the seeker had a sudden realization.

The seeker moved closer to their beloved's body, their expression a mixture of concern and awe. They watched for a moment, wondering if they were simply asleep or... Suddenly, the beloved shifted their body, slowly waking up. The seeker caught their breath, anticipating their beloved's reaction as they opened their eyes...

The seeker watched their beloved wake up, slowly sitting up and looking around. They looked at the seeker, with an expression of disbelief, awe, and wonder...

The seeker and the beloved then began to look around the sacred glade. They realized they were now in a different place, far away from where the seeker had originally encountered the crystal. The seeker noticed the sparkling crystals all around, filling the forest with a radiant glow. The beloved noticed the crystal on the ground, its glow now even brighter and more radiant.

The beloved then got a look of understanding on their face, and gently stood up. They took the seeker's hand in theirs, and they stepped towards the crystal. The seekers saw their beloved's features begin to shimmer and glow. The beloved's skin reflected the crystal's radiance, as their body began to fade into that of the crystal, becoming one with it...

The crystal began to glow even brighter, as the beloved was absorbed entirely into the sacred gemstone. The seeker watched in a mix of fascination and astonishment, their eyes filled with tears of joy and reverence. The beloved was completely one with the crystal, their body and essence intertwined into one divine gemstone. The glow became blindingly bright, blinding the seeker, as the beloved and crystal became one. They had become whole.

The seeker remained blinded by the dazzling glow of the crystal, as it reflected its essence and radiance. The crystal began to swirl and swirl, a vortex of pure, blinding light. The seeker felt their own essence mingling with the crystals, becoming part of its radiant glow. The seeker was overwhelmed with a sense of unity and oneness with the crystal. The seeker felt as if they were part of something much greater than themselves, a part of something sacred and magical. The shining light and radiance continued to swirl around the seeker...

The seeker remained immersed in the crystal's radiant light, a part of it now. The light began to grow dimmer and dimmer, as the seeker came out of the vortex of pure light. The seeker now stood in a beautiful glade, with the crystal still shining bright and radiant. The seeker realized that they were no longer bound to its glow but rather filled with the crystal's essence. The seeker was now a part of it but no longer bound by it.

The seeker then took in their surroundings, noticing the crystal's radiance and its beauty. The seeker realized that they were still a part of the crystal, but no longer was it their sole essence. The seeker felt filled with its radiance and essence, but they were not bound by it. The seeker had become one with the crystal, but the seeker also had their own individual essence and identity.

The seeker now understood the deeper meaning of their unity with the crystal. The seeker was now one with the crystal, but they retained their own individual identity and essence. The seeker felt filled with a deep sense of peace and satisfaction, as if they had become complete, united with the crystal but still retaining separate identities. The seeker felt as if they were now complete, a part of the crystal but also with their own identity and essence. They had become enlightened and whole.

The seeker then began to walk around the glade, taking in their surroundings. The crystal still shimmered and beamed with radiance, its light pouring down into the forest floor. The seeker began to appreciate the beauty of the crystal more and more, as if they were discovering its greatness for the first time. The seeker also felt like they were discovering themselves, as if they were seeing themselves for the first time. The seeker felt like they had been reborn, like they were experiencing life in a new, more vivid way.

The seeker then began to feel a sense of freedom and openness, as if they were unshackled from their old way of thinking and living. They felt like they had been freed from a cage of old beliefs and fears, and now was open and free to explore a new path. The seeker felt like they had been reborn into a new life, a new way of being. They were no longer bound by the limitations of the old, but were open to discovering the new. The seeker was filled with a deep sense of purpose and potential.

The seeker felt a deep sense of joy and excitement as they realized the potential of a new life ahead of them. All their old fears and limitations felt like they no longer held power over them. The seeker was filled with a sense of freedom and potential. The seeker was like a flower just budding, ready to bloom into an incredible, vibrant life. The seeker felt like they had been reborn into a new life, full of purpose and potential. The seeker's heart ached with joy and wonder.

The seeker then took a deep breath, feeling the air fill their lungs with a sense of freshness and newness. They felt like they were breathing in life, energy and potential. The seeker stepped out into the glade and felt the sunshine on their face, feeling alive and joyous. The seeker felt an incredible sense of freedom, as if their old fears and limits were no longer there. The seeker felt like they were finally stepping into the bright new world that they had dreamed of.

The seeker walked through the glade with an excited heart, taking in the sights and smells and feeling the caress of the air on their skin. The seeker felt like they were becoming part of the world, one with the beauty and wonder all around. The seeker was filled with an incredible sense of joy and adventure, ready to embrace the new life that was unfolding before them. The seeker was overflowing with a deep sense of potential and possibility. The seeker felt full and complete, and the seeker was ready to explore the world.

The seeker wandered through the glade with a sense of wonder and adventure, exploring the beauty of the crystal-filled forest. The seeker was filled with a deep sense of potential and purpose. The seeker felt the energy and vibration of the crystal throughout their body and soul. The seeker's mind felt open and free.


Melissa was one of the last of the ancient Druids who dwelt in the enchanted Forest of Broceliande, in Brittany. A pupil of Merlin, she guarded his tomb in the forest at least until the time of Charlemagne, according to legend. (Image Credit: Digital artwork created by the Editor.)


Weekly Words of Wisdom

By Skylar Sonnenschein, Editorial Associate

When you want to bring your creative vision to life, don't let the skeptics and naysayers hold you back. Focus on your vision, and stay motivated by your passion and determination. Remember the power of the dream.


Stoic Proverb of the Week

Contributed by Amy Kendrick, Staff Writer

"When you kiss your child, or your wife, or your friend, remind yourself that you are embracing a mortal. Then your love will grow deeper. I am persuaded that such a thought will have the best tendency to make the spirit patient, calm, collected."

à Musonius Rufus (c.30–c.100 CE), Roman Stoic Philosopher


Amy’s Commentary:

Musonius Rufus was the teacher of the famous Stoic philosopher Epictetus, and he is often known for his practical teachings on daily life. This quote emphasizes the importance of remaining aware of the impermanence of all things.





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