Hello everyone –
The planet Venus
has returned to the evening sky, visible as a brilliant starlike object above
the western horizon as dusk turns into night. Venus is hard to miss, as it’s
the third-brightest object in our sky, after the Sun and Moon. Here are some
poems about the planet Venus in its aspect as the Evening Star, collected from
some of the greatest poets of the last quarter-millennium! 😊
“The Evening
Henry Wadsworth
Lo! in the painted
oriel of the West,
Whose panes the
sunken sun incarnadines,
Like a fair lady
at her casement, shines
The evening star,
the star of love and rest!
And then anon she
doth herself divest
Of all her radiant
garments, and reclines
Behind the somber
screen of yonder pines,
With slumber and
soft dreams of love oppressed.
O my beloved, my
sweet Hesperus!
My morning and my
evening star of love!
My best and
gentlest lady! even thus,
As that fair
planet in the sky above,
Dost thou retire
unto thy rest at night,
And from thy
darkened window fades the light.
“Evening Star”
Edgar Allan Poe
'Twas noontide of
mid-time of night;
And stars, in
their orbits,
Shone pale,
thro' the light
Of the brighter,
cold moon,
planets her slaves,
Herself in the
Her beam on
the waves.
I gazed awhile
On her cold smile;
Too cold- too cold
for me-
passed, as a shroud,
A fleecy
And I turned away
to thee,
Evening Star,
In thy
glory afar,
And dearer thy
beam shall be;
For joy to
my heart
Is the
proud part
Thou bearest in
Heaven at night,
And more I
Thy distant
Than that colder,
lowly light.
“To the Evening
By William
Thou fair-haired
angel of the evening,
Now, whilst the
sun rests on the mountains, light
Thy bright torch
of love; thy radiant crown
Put on, and smile
upon our evening bed!
Smile on our
loves, and while thou drawest the
Blue curtains of
the sky, scatter thy silver dew
On every flower
that shuts its sweet eyes
In timely sleep.
Let thy west wing sleep on
The lake; speak
silence with thy glimmering eyes,
And wash the dusk
with silver. Soon, full soon,
Dost thou
withdraw; then the wolf rages wide,
And the lion
glares through the dun forest.
The fleeces of our
flocks are covered with
Thy sacred dew;
protect with them with thine influence.
“To the Planet
Venus, An Evening Star” – Composed At Loch Lomond
By William
Though joy attend
Thee orient at the birth
Of dawn, it cheers
the lofty spirit most
To watch thy
course when Day-light, fled from earth,
In the grey sky
hath left his lingering Ghost,
Perplexed as if
between a splendor lost
And splendor
slowly mustering. Since the Sun,
The absolute, the
world-absorbing One,
Relinquished half
his empire to the host
Emboldened by thy
guidance, holy Star,
Holy as princely,
who that looks on thee,
Touching, as now,
in thy humility
The mountain
borders of this seat of care,
Can question that
thy countenance is bright,
Celestial Power,
as much with love as light?
“Evening Star”
By H. P.
I saw it from that
hidden, silent place
Where the old wood
half shuts the meadow in.
It shone through
all the sunset’s glories—thin
At first, but with
a slowly brightening face.
Night came, and
that lone beacon, amber-hued,
Beat on my sight
as never it did of old;
The evening
star—but grown a thousandfold
More haunting in
this hush and solitude.
It traced strange
pictures on the quivering air—
Half-memories that
had always filled my eyes—
Vast towers and
gardens; curious seas and skies
Of some dim life—I
never could tell where.
But now I knew
that through the cosmic dome
Those rays were
calling from my far, lost home.
Happy stargazing! 😊
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