Members, Alumni, and Friends of the James Scholar Advisory & Leadership
will return in 2 weeks and will be distributed on the first three Fridays of
December with poems and prose to celebrate the holiday season. In the meantime,
however, Fall Break and Thanksgiving are just around the corner, so here are
some versified treats to enjoy as we make the transition from late autumn into
early winter.
leaves had a wonderful frolic.
danced to the wind’s loud song.
whirled, and they floated, and scampered.
circled and flew along.
Moon saw the little leaves dancing.
looked like a small brown bird.
Man in the Moon smiled and listened.
this is the song he heard.
North Wind is calling, is calling,
we must whirl round and round,
then, when our dancing is ended,
make a warm quilt for the ground.”
Calendar of Sonnets: November”
Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885)
This is the treacherous month when autumn days
With summer's voice come bearing summer's gifts.
Beguiled, the pale down-trodden aster lifts
Her head and blooms again. The soft, warm haze
Makes moist once more the sere and dusty ways,
And, creeping through where dead leaves lie in drifts,
The violet returns. Snow noiseless sifts
Ere night, an icy shroud, which morning's rays
Will idly shine upon and slowly melt,
Too late to bid the violet live again.
The treachery, at last, too late, is plain;
Bare are the places where the sweet flowers dwelt.
What joy sufficient hath November felt?
What profit from the violet's day of pain?
Evaleen Stein (1863-1923)
tingling, misty marvel
Blew hither in the night,
And now the little peach-trees
Are clasped in frozen light.
Blew hither in the night,
And now the little peach-trees
Are clasped in frozen light.
the apple-branches
An icy film is caught,
With trailing threads of gossamer
In pearly patterns wrought.
An icy film is caught,
With trailing threads of gossamer
In pearly patterns wrought.
autumn sun, in wonder,
Is gaily peering through
This silver-tissued network
Across the frosty blue.
Is gaily peering through
This silver-tissued network
Across the frosty blue.
weather-vane is fire-tipped,
The honeysuckle shows
A dazzling icy splendor,
And crystal is the rose.
The honeysuckle shows
A dazzling icy splendor,
And crystal is the rose.
the eaves are fringes
Of icicles that seem
To mock the summer rainbows
With many-colored gleam.
Of icicles that seem
To mock the summer rainbows
With many-colored gleam.
the walk, the pebbles
Are each a precious stone;
The grass is tasseled hoarfrost,
The clover jewel-sown.
Are each a precious stone;
The grass is tasseled hoarfrost,
The clover jewel-sown.
sparkle, sparkle, sparkle
Fills all the frosty air,
Oh, can it be that darkness
Is ever anywhere!
Fills all the frosty air,
Oh, can it be that darkness
Is ever anywhere!
Gifts” (1848)
Joseph Brackett, Jr.
‘Tis the gift to be simple,
‘Tis the gift to be free,
‘Tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.
‘Tis the gift to be free,
‘Tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.
true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed.
And to turn, turn will be our delight,
‘Til by turning, turning we come round right.
To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed.
And to turn, turn will be our delight,
‘Til by turning, turning we come round right.
‘Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return,
‘Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,
Then we’ll all live together and we’ll all learn to say,
‘Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,
Then we’ll all live together and we’ll all learn to say,
‘Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be,
‘Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of “me,”
And when we hear what others really think and really feel,
Then we’ll all live together with a love that is real.
‘Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of “me,”
And when we hear what others really think and really feel,
Then we’ll all live together with a love that is real.
next time – Happy Fall Break & Thanksgiving! :)